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Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a dynamic and challenging educational environment in which the emotional, social, physical and intellectual needs of each individual child are met. We do this by engaging your child in a stimulating and developmentally appropriate environment. Our curriculum encourages child-initiated as well as teacher-directed activities. We offer appropriate learning materials and activities that are designed to expand problem solving, experimentation, interaction, critical thinking and decision-making processes. Students are exposed to cross-curricular activities which include math, science, language arts, dramatic play, library, gross motor and music skills. Our curriculum incorporates core knowledge components with an innovative whole child approach. We strive to create a learning environment that emulates the structure found in most elementary school classrooms. Thus, our program provides familiarity with components your child will encounter throughout his/her elementary education. We offer both small group and large group activities focusing on the individual learning styles of the child by providing auditory, visual, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal opportunities throughout the day. We provide our students with the solid academic foundation needed to achieve success with future educational experiences and a natural love for learning.

Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives

Our program is designed to meet the developmental needs of young children. It provides experiences that enrich and enhance each child's cognitive, social, emotional, physical, creative and language development. Within our daily schedule, each child has the opportunity to explore the environment, practice problem-solving and personal interaction skills, and learn concepts through first hand experiences. Children gain confidence and a positive self-concept through a balance of exploratory and teacher-directed activities. Opportunities for individual as well as group activities are provided. It is the responsibility of the staff members to serve as positive role models while maintaining a stimulating, safe environment. They will provide attention that is supportive, nurturing, warm, and responsive to each child's needs. We believe that parents and teachers are partners in children's care and education.

Our program is designed to meet the developmental needs of young children. It provides experiences that enrich and enhance each child's cognitive, social, emotional, physical, creative and language development. Within our daily schedule, each child has the opportunity to explore the environment, practice problem-solving and personal interaction skills, and learn concepts through first hand experiences. Children gain confidence and a positive self-concept through a balance of exploratory and teacher-directed activities. Opportunities for individual as well as group activities are provided. It is the responsibility of the staff members to serve as positive role models while maintaining a stimulating, safe environment. They will provide attention that is supportive, nurturing, warm, and responsive to each child's needs. We believe that parents and teachers are partners in children's care and education.

Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum includes developmentally appropriate experiences in all academic and social areas:

  • Language Arts: oral language, reading, writing, comprehension and development of a love for literature

  • Mathematics: sorting, classifying, use of math terminology, numeration, geometry, patterning, sequencing, experience with measurement tools, graphing, and operational understanding.

  • Social Studies: geography, history, current events, cultural diversity and concept of community.

  • Science: observation, exploration, experimentation, experience with science materials, exposure to technology, sharing ideas, drawing conclusions and science safety

  • Art: creativity, self-expression and multi-media experiences.

  • Music: rhythm, movement, singing and experience with musical instruments

  • Physical Education: large motor skills, coordination and team building

  • Fine Motor: eye-hand coordination, use of age appropriate materials, visual perception

  • Dramatic Play: imagination, role playing and cooperative play

  • Social/Emotional/Behavioral: self-esteem, cooperation, interpersonal skills, self-discipline, independence and classroom community awareness and development

  • Work Skills: listening, participation, following directions, and attention focus.

Our curriculum is based on themes or units of study that are incorporated and expanded through the developmental areas listed above.


Assessments are used to guide teacher instruction and evaluate student progress. They provide a basis for communication between parents and staff. 

  Methods of assessment include:

  • Observation and Record-Keeping: Students are observed for demonstrated competency in specific cognitive, physical, social, emotional and behavioral areas.

  • Portfolios and Journals: Samples of the student's work will be kept in a folder and updated regularly. Anecdotes and teacher observations may also be included.

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